Primary Objectives:
- Easy to Adopt (easy to use both for novice and technical)
- Facility of Inventory and Reporting (real-time monitoring of inventory, including the number of items being ordered, in transit or on hand, in one or more stores)
- Data Security. (Sever security level and user access rights)
- Improve sales and reduce expenses (Reduces the company’s expenses in the long run. Transportation costs, including trips to suppliers or multiple business locations)
Daily Sales summary reports, Sales by customers reports, Sales by cashiers reports, Sales by items reports, Sales by category or brands, Ability to track as sales receipt, Supports sales returns or able to generate credit notes, Simplified selling process, Support sales of controlled items, Can support multiple selling points, Supports barcodes, Can generate invoices in case of a credit sale, Generates profit margins of the products sold
Customers & Accounts Receivables
Can hold unlimited debtors accounts, Simplified debtors center to view debtors accounts and transactions history, Able to clear debtors invoice through invoice allocation method (I.A.M), Able to generate customers’ statements, Aging debtors report, Generates profit margins of the products sold.
Cashiers Center
This module helps you track cash flows in the business. It includes, Ability to track cash flow by cashiers, Cash payouts to manage petty cash and daily bills, Daily Z-Reports by cashiers, Close the cashier account at end day.
Support both cash and credit purchases, Ability to create and print Purchase orders, Purchases are integrated with the inventory module, A variety of purchases reports to choose from, Purchase history reports by suppliers, date and type, Aging creditors report.
Suppliers and Accounts Payable
Can hold unlimited Creditors accounts, Simplified creditors center to view creditors accounts and transactions history, Able to clear creditors invoice through invoice allocation method (I.A.M), Able to generate suppliers statements and purchase history, Aging Creditors report
Inventory (Complete Stock Management)
Track inventory movement, Ability to categorize your stock for easy management, Can generate stock count list, Can support multiple inventory locations (Kenya House, Moi Avenue, EABL and additional outlets), Inventory reorder levels, Inventory status reports, Inventory adjustments, Can support unlimited inventory items, Can support inventory transfers from one location to another, Powerful delivery center to track inventory Issues & Returns through, Inter-company issues, Damages & spoilage, Promotion products, Powerful stock Assembly center – this helps while tracking those items you combine together and sell or issue as one. This module can also be used as the manufacturing center, Powerful Sale Issue Module – This helps you to track stock you issue to sales reps to go and sell. Each sales rep acts as a stock center.
Restricted system access… You must have a password to access the system, Ability to assign rights to users of the systems, Database file is highly encrypted to secure the data
Supports both ZIP, and DATECS fiscal Printers and all ESD Models, Optimized Speeds—Can support more than 500 workstations and still operate optimally, Easy to backup your company data, Very simplified and easy to understand, Can be customized to suite your particular need, Ability to link the various company branches to operate as one, Audit trail report to know who did what and when it was done, Easily customizable reports template to fit your company requirements & maintain your brand
Accounts & Financial control: Integrated with accounts
Accounting – This helps on know the financial status of your company plus the direction you are headed. The Importance of this activity cannot be overemphasized. The system is a fully integrated accounting system and with a click of a button you can:
- Generate account transaction history
- Generate trial balance
- Generate profit & loss account
- Generate Balance sheet
- Generate Tax report
Banking– This module helps track your banking activities and manage your bank statements Banking activities are very sensitive and it’s a good practice to closely monitor these activities. This module is dedicated towards making it easier to know the status in an instance. It will involve
- Bank charges monitoring
- Cheques monitoring
- Monitoring of the bank charges that arise from activities such as loans, overdrafts, Funds transfers, Standing orders, etc.
- Bank reconciliation
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